As of this afternoon we have our first 2 internal walls completed. I am delighted to announce it's the office walls, one of which is also the back of the kitchen and the other backs on to the lounge room! As a confirmed computer head I am really excited to think that it is the first room finished. How sad, especially as it won't be used as a main computer room for a few years. Assuming we have the finances to get the networking gurus to run cable at the end of the build that is. Otherwise it will be in use from the start and we'll all have to share the room.
View as of today Saturday the 13th of December. I'm going to be adding one of these each week from the same spot.
Delighted to discover our S.S is on the ball. Somehow the brickies were measuring from the wrong point and put the back sliding door that goes into the alfresco in the wrong place. It's out by 1 brick or so. DH and I kept looking at the corner that has been made 1 brick worth shorter and thinking we'd made a mistake and made it too small for what we had planned for it. BUT it turns out the brickie has put the door in the wrong place. DH had a call from the S.S on Monday to ask him /us what we want to do about it. So a mistake but not ours. Yippee. I'd said we are happy for it to be a brick to a brick and a half for the move. A brick and a half would be perfect as it's going to be a temporary corner for my computer. ( for about 2-3 years)...
And now...
The corner in question. It is now 41/2 bricks wide instead of 3 1/2. Sounds piddly but it was going to wreck the use we had planned for it if the builder hadn't corrected the error made by the brickie. Thank you S.S. for noticing it and putting us out of our misery.

Looking towards the kitchen. you can see the entrance to the office and the view out of one of the office windows. I would have liked to have had the wall between the kitchen and the office longer to give even more separation but it wasn't to be.

The guys are making sure everything is marked out so there are no errors. DS1's Robe and the linen cupboard in the laundry.

Looking towards the main bathroom.

It looks like we have all our roofing materials on site now and the eaves boards. Perhaps they will get to start some work before they break for Christmas. We've noticed that this week a 3rd brickie has joined our first two guys. They worked for part of the day today as well.