I have a very talented and clever MIL. She makes handmade cards for Christmas and our birthdays every year and we even got a special "welcome to your new home" card from her when we moved in. It had little hand made paint rollers on the front and was very cleverly made.

Today our eldest turned 14 and she made a gift card for him. It looked exactly like a wallet. Which turned out pretty much the perfect card because he was actually hoping to get a new wallet for his birthday as he had lost his wallet several weeks ago when we had a family outing. ( yes he did get a new wallet from us)

His wallet card from the MIL had 2 little "cards" inside with messages and also had some money in it as well which pleased him no end. I wasn't home when she rang this morning but I hope he thanked her and my FIL for the gift.
Thank you B & M.